The Age of Faith, Will Durant
The Age of Faith, Will Durant
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The Age of Faith
A History of Medieval Civilization (Christian, Islamic, and Judaic) from Constantine to Dante, AD 325–1300

Author: Will Durant

Narrator: Stefan Rudnicki

Unabridged: 61 hr 23 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 05/15/2014


The fourth volume in Will Durant's Pulitzer Prize–winning series, The Age of Faith surveys the medieval achievements and modern significance of Christian, Islamic, and Judaic life and culture. Like the other volumes in the Story of Civilization series, this is a self-contained work, which at the same time fits into a comprehensive history of mankind. It includes the dramatic stories of St. Augustine, Hypatia, Justinian, Mohammed, Harun al-Rashid, Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Richard the Lionheart, Saladin, Maimonides, St. Francis, St. Thomas Aquinas, Roger Bacon, and many others, all in the perspective of integrated history. The greatest love stories in literature—of H├®loise and Ab├®lard, of Dante and Beatrice—are here retold with enthralling scholarship.

Author Bio

Will Durant (1885–1981) was an award-winning American writer, historian, and philosopher. He and his wife were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction in 1968 for Rousseau and Revolution, and he was a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Durant spent over forty years writing the critically acclaimed eleven-volume Story of Civilization, the later volumes with the help of his wife, Ariel. He sought
to revitalize history by unifying and humanizing the great body of historical
knowledge, which had become voluminous and fragmented into esoteric
subcategories. He also strove to bring
philosophy to the common man. Durant was a champion of human rights, social reform, and the brotherhood of man long before they became well-known issues.
