The Emotional Intelligence Skills Wor..., PsyD Catella
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The Emotional Intelligence Skills Workbook
Improve Communication and Build Stronger Relationships

Narrator: Jen Jayden

Unabridged: 5 hr 44 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 04/01/2024


Have you ever tried to speak up for yourself in a moment of conflict, and your mind suddenly goes blank? Has an insensitive comment from a loved one, friend, or coworker ever made you lose your temper, putting strain on an important relationship? If so, you aren't alone. It's natural to feel overwhelmed by uncomfortable emotions in the conversations that matter most to us. Yet if we allow these feelings to overpower us, they can stand in the way of what we want or need, and our relationships with other people can suffer. In The Emotional Intelligence Skills Workbook, psychologists Matthew McKay and Stephanie Catella draw from emotion efficacy therapy (EET) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to offer a wealth of practical skills you can use to navigate difficult conversations effectively while maintaining your relationships. You'll learn what emotional intelligence (EI) is, and why strengthening it can help you overcome conflict with others. You'll also discover strategies and tools to help you be more aware of your emotions without letting them dictate your interactions. Living a meaningful life requires the willingness to have tough conversations. With this workbook as your guide, you'll build the skillset needed to boost your EI and improve your relationships.
