The Polivagal Theory  Daily Vagus Ne..., Reiner Hartmann
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The Polivagal Theory & Daily Vagus Nerve Exercises: 2 in 1
Learn How to Refurbish Your Brain and Your Body Through Daily Exercises to Reduce Inflammation, Anxiety and Chronic Illness

Narrator: Holl Juanelle

Unabridged: 5 hr 15 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 02/09/2023


In this book, you will discover what the vagus nerve is and how you can stimulate it to improve every aspect of your mind and life. What you will learn is to strengthen the vagus nerve through simple and very practical exercises that you can do at home as well.Here are some topics you will find within this 2-in-1 book:·     What is the polyvagal theory·     How to control your emotions using the vagus nerve·     The connection between the vagus nerve and human emotions·     Daily vagus nerve exercises with massages, yoga, stretching, deep and slow breathing......And so much more!If you want to improve your mental and physical health and forget the anxiety and stress that are taking your breath away every day, listen to me until the end.Happy listening!
