Sedona Suspect, Lisa Kessler
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Sedona Suspect
Southwestern Paranormal Romance with Shifters, Psychics, and Secrets

Author: Lisa Kessler

Unabridged: 6 hr 27 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 09/12/2023


Natasha Sokolov is a survivor, but this new cage she finds herself in could be the end of her colorful career as a jaguar shifting assassin. After she starts tailing a state Supreme Court justice, she finds herself locked up on bogus charges, and with the new moon approaching, her choices are grim. End her life now, or expose shifters as a reality to the entire world.Dex Stewart is a sought after contractor in Sedona with a reputation for his craftsmanship, but it’s his demolitions abilities that his Alpha is depending on now. When the pack gets word that a shifter is being held in the Arizona lock up, Dex discovers the prisoner he’s risking everything to free, is also an enemy of the pack.Helping her escape is only the beginning of his problems. The moment Dex touches her his loyalties are torn. This suspect is also his mate, but love might come at too high a price for him to bear...
