Paper Sparrow, Magda Palmer
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Paper Sparrow

Author: Magda Palmer

Narrator: Magda Palmer

Unabridged: 10 hr 39 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Publisher: Magda Palmer

Published: 07/19/2022


Paper Sparrow is historical fiction inspired by real-life events in Australia from 1943 to 1955. Peggy is born to circumstances that deny her opportunities afforded to others. Before her thirteenth birthday, she has no choice but to work as a Nursing Aide in a home for the elderly. Aged fourteen, she is drugged and raped. Without family and financial support, she travels from Sydney to Melbourne to work throughout her pregnancy. On her way to a hostel for single pregnant females, she meets Peter, a man of the cloth, and later, Bineham, a Master of Chinese psychology, Una, a student of ancient wisdom and Lily. Individually and collectively they foster her potential bringing lightness and wonder to a dark journey that reveals a massive, institutional baby farming industry. Paper Sparrow champions symbolic rebirth and the power of self-belief. Ultimately an inspiring piece. 
