Give Me This Mountain, Joseph Prince
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Give Me This Mountain
Faith To Go From Barely Surviving To Actually Thriving

Author: Joseph Prince

Narrator: Michael Davis

Unabridged: 4 hr 24 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 06/01/2021

Includes: Bonus Material Bonus Material Included


This is a book—no—a guide to faith.
Real, raw, and authentic faith. 
Not the kind of polished, feel-good faith that’s only good on the good days and vanishes the moment life turns up the heat. 
We’re talking about faith for when and where it really matters— in the face of adversity, disappointment, anxiety about the future, and the seemingly impossible odds we’re up against that the world and our culture remind us of 24/7. Faith that doesn’t sidestep the issues, but with chutzpah, grit, and a lot of grace, confronts and takes on every mountain—whatever it might be. 
Above all, this book is about faith in a good God and His ability to hold on to us even when our faith fails. 
Over 4 weeks, lean in to the life of Caleb and other inspiring men and women in the Bible and discover powerful truths about God’s ways of faith that will cause you to take ground in life and start thriving. Engage with thought-provoking reflection prompts, questions, and compelling activities that will help you own and apply these keys in your own life, and begin to go from barely surviving to actually thriving!
Supplemental Material (Accompanying PDF) included here:

Author Bio

Joseph Prince es una voz destacada en la proclamación del evangelio de la gracia para toda una nueva generación de creyentes y líderes. Es el pastor principal de la iglesia Nueva Creación en Singapur, una iglesia vibrante y dinámica con una congregación de más de treinta y tres mil asistentes. Él dirige por separado los Ministerios Joseph Prince, un ministerio de transmisión de televisión y medios de comunicación que lleva al mundo las buenas noticias sobre la obra de Jesús. Joseph también es el autor best seller de El poder de creer correctamente y Destinados para reinar, así como un orador de conferencias muy solicitado. Para obtener más información sobre sus otros recursos inspiradores y sus últimos mensajes de audio y video, visite
