Advanced Java, Laura Evans
Advanced Java, Laura Evans
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Advanced Java
From Beginner to Professional: Navigating the World of Java

Author: Laura Evans

Narrator: Laura Evans

Unabridged: 4 hr 1 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 11/09/2024


"Advanced Java: From Beginner to Professional: Navigating the World of Java," is a textbook where any person aspiring to do Java programming can get very good master over the Java language. This book carries everything the Java programming learner needs to know or where an experienced programmer would require, all the way through from simple grammar to powerful programming techniques, but addresses every topic in the subject, right from setting it up and basic grammar on to very sophisticated coding.It is a nice, clear overview of the Java ecosystem that starts off with a very solid foundation when it walks readers through key ideas like classes, inheritance, object-oriented programming, and encapsulation.The book then develops into complex topics such as Java's collections framework, exception handling, multithreaded programs, and streams. This will ensure that all readers are equipped with effective, high-performance code to write. Every chapter follows a helpful task and many coding examples that will encourage readers to gain practical experience and repetition to reinforce the learning.They will learn Java's Stream A-P-I, function programming, lambdas, method references, and functional interfaces. These are necessary if the reader wants clear and current Java code. And these skills will help an aspirant work as a professional developer since the focus here is on solving problems, which will involve use cases for Java in practice projects.At the end of it all, the reader will be confident in and equipped with enough know-how to take up realistic applications, write robust programs that can be relied upon, and significantly contribute to the realm of software development. If you want to learn one of the world's toughest yet most versatile programming languages, "Advanced Java" is your bible.
