A Mouse in the House on Easter Day, Mr. Nate Gunter
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A Mouse in the House on Easter Day
The Resurrection Rhyme of the Greatest Sunday

Author: Mr. Nate Gunter

Narrator: Marianne Sheehan

Unabridged: 6 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 01/10/2022


A Mouse in the House on Easter Day Children’s Book takes kids on a journey to learn the reason for Resurrection Sunday -- what some have called Easter.Follow the smallest of creatures through the crowd of elephants from outside and inside a church service. Uniquely learn with a rhyme that captures biblical truths for their lifetime. Help children learn certainty and courage to follow Jesus in a world of rejection. Highlight the annual holiday with humanity’s greatest hero. Deepen their understanding of life, history, Christianity, and the Bible. Guide them to learn that their faith in Jesus matters to the world and how God fulfills his mission to lovingly save sinners.
