25 Reasons To Quit Worrying, Dre Baldwin
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25 Reasons To Quit Worrying
Stop Your Automatic Down Payments on Failure

Author: Dre Baldwin

Narrator: Dre Baldwin

Unabridged: 32 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 11/07/2016


Worrying is for the weak. Worry is the habit of fearful people who seek something to stress about. Worry is misused energy that creates exactly what it focuses on. Focus on fear, stress, anxiety and unwanted outcomes, you get it. Worry is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The worrier thinks something bad might happen. He focuses on the possibility thus creating stress. The stress manifests itself physically. The worrier has trouble breathing, can't eat, can barely fall asleep (or has a hard time waking up), and makes poor eating choices. All of this momentum - negative energy works the same way positive energy works - begets a result. The exact thing the worrier stressed about, happens. You would think these results would convince a worrisome person to never do this again, right? Wrong. This bad outcome only confirms to the worrier that his worries are based in reality. I worried about it, and it happened! Now I better worry about the next bad thing that might happen! Worrying is a hereditary trait that parents pass down to their kids - unless the kids realize what's happening and break the cycle. Worrying is an infectious energy, just like joy, excitement, and anticipation, that spreads to everyone around the carrier. Worrying literally kills people. The deceased usually dies from the exact thing he or she was worrying about. More accurately, then, the deceased commits suicide from worry. I know what it feels like to worry. This book exists to rid you of this debilitating, weak, helpless, life-robbing habit - forever. 
